~derf / projects / ESP8266/NodeMCU TEMT6000 driver

ESP8266 Lua/NodeMCU module for TEMT6000 illuminance sensors

esp8266-nodemcu-temt6000 contains an ESP8266 NodeMCU Lua module (temt6000.lua) as well as MQTT / HomeAssistant / InfluxDB integration example (init.lua) for TEMT6000 illuminance sensors connected via analog output.


temt6000.lua has been tested with Lua 5.1 on NodeMCU firmware 3.0.1 (Release 202112300746, integer build). It requires the following modules.

  • adc

Most practical applications (such as the example in init.lua) also need the following modules.

  • gpio
  • mqtt
  • node
  • tmr
  • wifi


Connect the TEMT6000 sensor to your ESP8266/NodeMCU board as follows.

  • TEMT6000 GND → ESP8266/NodeMCU GND
  • TEMT6000 VCC → ESP8266/NodeMCU 3V3
  • TEMT6000 OUT → ESP8266/NodeMCU A0

Note that the TEMT6000 output will range from 0V to 3V3, whereas ESP8266 A0 only accepts up to 1V. Most NodeMCU boards use a voltage divider to connect NodeMCU A0 to ESP8266 A0 and are capable of handling up to 3V3 at A0.


Copy temt6000.lua to your NodeMCU board and set it up as follows.

temt6000 = require("temt6000")

-- can be called as often as the ADC permits
function some_timer_callback()
    local lx = temt6000.read()
    if lx ~= nil then
        -- lx: estimated illuminance [lx]
        -- Note that lx is limited to a usable range of about 20 to 1000 lx.
        -- Darkness cannot always be detected reliably,
        -- anything brighter than ~1024 lx will be reported as 1024 lx.
        print("TEMT6000 error")

Application Example

init.lua is an example application with HomeAssistant integration. To use it, you need to create a config.lua file with WiFI and MQTT settings:

station_cfg = {ssid = "...", pwd = "..."}
mqtt_host = "..."

Optionally, it can also publish readings to InfluxDB. To do so, configure URL and attribute:

influx_url = "..."
influx_attr = "..."

Readings will be published as temt6000[influx_attr] illuminance_lx=%d,adc_counts=%d. So, unless influx_attr = '', it must start with a comma, e.g. influx_attr = ',device=' .. device_id.