~derf / projects / Travel-Status-DE-HAFAS / release / Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS v6.16

Travel-Status-DE-HAFAS-6.16.tar.gz (signature)

  • Remove DB HAFAS service. It has been returnig HTTP 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable since Jan 8, 11:30 CET and has very likely been shut down permanently.
  • Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn is no longer part of this distribution (see above); it is now called Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS.
  • hafas-m: Use VRN service by default. Its coverage appears to closely match the discontinued DB service.
  • HAFAS->new, HAFAS->new_p: Do not use the (discontinued) DB service by default, and do not replace it with a new default. The "service" option is now mandatory.