~derf / projects / Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung v0.18

This project is no longer being developed. There will be no updates and no security fixes. This page serves archival purposes only.

This project is deprecated. All of its functionality is now provided within Travel-Status-DE-DBRIS. The remainder of this page serves archival purposes only.

Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung is an interface to the Deutsche Bahn carriage formation API.

Given a station name and train number, it reports its real-time (or, in some cases, expected) carriage formation and details such as first/class coaches or train types (Desiro HC, FLIRT, ICE 3neo, etc.).


Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.18.tar.gz (signature)

  • Group: IC2 trains have designations as well
  • Group: Add static name_to_designation accessor

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.17.tar.gz (signature)

  • Group: Fix ->name accessor (thanks to Caß Dingenskirchen)
  • Group: Add ->designation accessor (data courtesy of bahn.expert)

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.16.tar.gz (signature)

  • Carriage: (re-)add amenity and first/second class accessors

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.15.tar.gz (signature)

  • Switch to new bahn.de API; the one used until 0.14 has been discontinued
  • DBWagenreihung->new: new constructor signature; now requires "departure", "eva", "train_type" and "train_number".
  • DBWagenreihung: Remove "wagons" accessor
  • DBWagenreihung: Rename "sections" to "sectors"
  • DBWagenreihung: Remove "train_nos" accessor
  • DBWagenreihung: Remove "origins" accessor

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.14.tar.gz (signature)

  • This module now explicitly treats carriages as groups, just like the backend does. Each group contains at least one carriage and has a distinct number, origin, destination, and train type / description.
  • Add Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung::Group module.
  • DBWagenreihung: Add groups, carriages, and train_nos accessors.
  • DBWagenreihung: origins, destinations: Return hashrefs with "name" / "groups" / "sections" rather than "name" / "sections".
  • DBWagenreihung: Remove train_descriptions, wagongroup_description, wagongroup_subtype, and wagongroup_model accessors. Use $wr->groups and $group->description / $group->desc_short instead. This is a breaking change.

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.13.tar.gz (signature)

  • DBWagenreihung: Add station accessor.
  • DBWagenreihung: Add TO_JSON function.
  • DBWagenreihung: remove station_ds100, station_name, and station_uic accessors. Use station->{ds100}, station->{name} and station->{eva} instead. This is a breaking change.
  • DBWagenreihung: origins now returns a list of hashrefs, just like destinations. It used to return a list of names. This is a breaking change.

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.11.tar.gz (signature)

  • Add another regional train model
  • Wagon: Add group_index accessor

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.09.tar.gz (signature)

  • Add various regional train models
  • wagongroup_description, train_descriptions: Add short variants

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.08.tar.gz (signature)

  • Switch to new API URL; the one used previously has been deactivated

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.07.tar.gz (signature)

  • Add ICE 3neo (model 408)
  • DBWagenreihung: Rename train_powertype to wagongroup_powertype
  • DBWagenreihung: Rename train_desc to wagongroup_description
  • DBWagenreihung: Rename train_model to wagongroup_model
  • DBWagenreihung: Rename train_subtype to wagongroup_subtype

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.06.tar.gz (signature)

  • DBWagenreihung: Add train_descriptions accessor
  • Wagon: Add train_subtype accessor

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.04.tar.gz (signature)

  • Distinguish between IC2 KISS / IC2 Twindexx and ICE T 411 / ICE T 415

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.05.tar.gz (signature)

  • Distinguish between ICE 3 403 series 1/2 and ICE T 411 series 1/2

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.03.tar.gz (signature)

  • Wagenreihung: Add train_powertype function
  • Wagon: Add train_no and uic_id accessors

Travel-Status-DE-DBWagenreihung-0.01.tar.gz (signature)

  • Initial release. wagen order and wagon type information for a specific train at a specific station. Documentation is incomplete, API may change without notice.