Vindriktning is a cheap USB-C powered particle sensor that uses three colored LEDs to indicate the amount of PM2.5 (i.e., particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5µm) as a proxy for indoor air quality. By default, it simply measures PM2.5 and indicates whether air quality is good, not so good, or poor – there is no digital read-out of PM2.5 values.
Luckily, adding an ESP8266 to integrate it with MQTT, HomeAssistant, InfluxDB, or other software is quite easy. However, while most examples use Arduino's C++ dialect for programming, I personally prefer to stick to the NodeMCU Lua firmware on ESP8266 boards. Here is my basic readout code for reference.
function uart_callback(data)
if string.byte(data, 1) ~= 0x16 or string.byte(data, 2) ~= 0x11 or string.byte(data, 3) ~= 0x0b then
print("invalid header")
checksum = 0
for i = 1, 20 do
checksum = (checksum + string.byte(data, i)) % 256
if checksum ~= 0 then
print("invalid checksum")
pm25 = string.byte(data, 6) * 256 + string.byte(data, 7)
print("pm25 = " .. pm25)
function setup_uart()
port = softuart.setup(9600, nil, 2)
port:on("data", 20, uart_callback)
This code assumes that the Vindriktning's TX pin is connected to ESP8266 GPIO4 (labeled "D2" on most esp8266 devboards). As the ESP8266 only has a single RX channel, which we reserve for programming and debugging, I'm using a Software UART implementation. At 9600 baud, that's not an issue.