~derf / interblag / entry / Handling USB-serial connection issues on some ESP8266 dev boards

Depending on the configuration of a few GPIO pins during reset, ESP8266 chips can boot into a variety of modes. The most common ones are flash startup (GPIO0 low → execute the program code on a flash chip connected to the ESP8266) and UART download (GPIO0 high → transfer program code from UART to the flash chip).

Most development boards use the serial DTR and RTS lines of their usb-serial converter to allow reset (and boot mode selection) of the ESP8266 by (de)assertion of the DTR/RTS signals. esptool also uses this method when uploading new firmware to the flash.

Usually, things just work™ and an ESP8266 can be used with esptool, nodemcu-uploader, miniterm/screen, and other software. If esptool/nodemcu-uploader work, but miniterm/screen do not (and show repeating gibberish or nothing at all instead), the reason may be unusual DTR/RTS behaviour. I found manual control of DTR/RTS to help in this case:

  • Connect to the serial device
  • de-assert DTR
  • de-assert RTS
  • receive a working UART connection

For example, in pyserial-miniterm these signals can be set on startup:

pyserial-miniterm --dtr 0 --rts 0 /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

They can also be toggled at runtime via Ctrl+T Ctrl+D (DTS) and Ctrl+T Ctrl+R (RTS).

$ pyserial-miniterm /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyUSB0  115200,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
--- DTR inactive ---
--- RTS inactive ---
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