~derf / interblag / Archive for 2018

To increase flash lifetime and avoid problems with unexpected power cuts, I run all of my embedded Linux systems from a readonly root filesystem. This is a moving target: Depending on the software in use as well as the version and configuration of systemd and userland software, different adjustments may be needed.

I have created a readonly linux reference page containing all tweaks I know of at the moment, which are mostly tmpfs mounts and /etc/tmpfiles.d entries. I'll update it when I run by something new.

Preseeding is a handy way of automating Debian installations. With a proper preseed.cfg, a Debian installation can run completely unattended in about 10 minutes, including setup of users, sudo and SSH keys.

For future reference, here are the things I found helpful

custom post-installation commands

d-i preseed/late_command executes arbitrary commands after the installation is completed. I use this to set up SSH keys and sudo, like so:

in-target mkdir -p /root/.ssh /home/derf/.ssh; \
in-target wget -O /root/.ssh/authorized_keys https://.../keys-root; \
in-target wget -O /home/derf/.ssh/authorized_keys https://.../keys; \
in-target chmod 700 /root/.ssh /home/derf/.ssh; \
in-target chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/derf/.ssh/authorized_keys; \
in-target chown -R derf:derf /home/derf/.ssh; \
apt-install sudo; in-target adduser derf sudo

Adding preseed.cfg to virt-install images

--initrd-inject embeds arbitrary files into the root of the installation image. So, for preseeding, just add --initrd-inject .../preseed.cfg to your virt-install invocation.

Adding preseed.cfg to USB images (with UEFI support)

This is a bit more tricky. Basically: Download and unpack ISO, inject preseed.cfg into initrd, refresh md5sums, rebuild ISO and add UEFI support.

The following script should do the job for most amd64 systems. Usage: ./mkpreseediso debian-x.y.z-amd64-netinst.iso


set -e

WD="$(mktemp -d)"

7z x -o$WD $ISO

cd $WD

gunzip install.amd/initrd.gz
cp /tmp/preseed.cfg .
echo preseed.cfg | cpio -o -H newc -A -F install.amd/initrd
rm preseed.cfg
gzip install.amd/initrd

find -follow -type f -print0 | xargs --null md5sum > md5sum.txt


xorriso -as mkisofs -o $ISO -isohybrid-mbr /usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin \
-c isolinux/boot.cat -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
-boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -e boot/grub/efi.img -no-emul-boot \
-isohybrid-gpt-basdat $WD

findmnt --raw --noheadings --output options --target SOME_DIRECTORY | grep -qE '(^|,)ro($|,)'

  • findmnt is a handy alternative to mount when writing scripts
  • SOME_DIRECTORY does not have to correspond to a mountpoint. If it doesn't, findmnt will traverse its parent directories until it finds the corresponding filesystem / mountpoint.
  • a simple grep ro would also match options like errors=remount-ro, so we make sure to only match the single ro option. It must be delimited by commas or the start/end of the option string.

I have a set of maildirs (one for each mailing list / other context) and want to know which of them contains unread mail without firing up my MUA.

Luckily, this is easy to do on the commandline without even looking at mail contents, as there's (mostly?) two kinds of unread mail:

  • new and unprocessed mail. These messages are stored in Maildir/new, so if there's anything in there, it's an unread mail
  • new but no longer "Recent" mail. These messages have not been read yet, but have already been transferred to a MUA using a Read-Write operation, causing them to be marked as no longer new on the server side. They are stored in Maildir/cur alongside read mail, but do not have the "Seen" (S) flag set.

This is easy to check with zsh globbing: new/*(N) expands to a non-empty list if new and unprocessed mail is present, and cur/*~*,*S*(N) expands to a non-empty list if old but unread mail is present. Note that it requires the extended_glob zsh option to be set.