~derf / projects / Travel-Status-DE-HAFAS / release / Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn v6.00

Travel-Status-DE-DeutscheBahn-6.00.tar.gz (signature)

  • Add AVV (Aachener Verkehrsverbund), BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), and IE (Iarnród Éireann / Irish Rail) backends
  • Support backend-specific time zones; add time_zone to service description
  • Handle cross-timezone journeys and stops whose time zone differs from the backend's default time zone. As of this release, all input and output datetimes refer to the backend's default time zone rather than local time (Stop and Journey accessors) / whatever (hafas-m and HAFAS arguments). Use the new tz_offset accessor to determine local time. This is a breaking change.
  • Journey, Stop: Add tz_offset accessor